For anyone who has a yard and likes perennials, this is for you.

Introducing my favourite sedum (alias stonecrop) that I wouldn't even have thought of this winter if my friend Cathi hadn't pointed out the pretty little mushroom caps of snow sitting on the winter stems. I went right outside and took this picture.

Autumn Joy is not a striking beauty most of the year since it doesn't really have flowers, but be patient. It's a tough character I keep planting all over the yard, undemanding and reliable, and well-behaved. It's roots don't sneak around underground and send up invaders where they're not wanted.

Ignore it and it will be happy in the sun with just a moderate drink now and then. Too much watering or fertilizer seem to make it tall and floppy, so save your time and money and give your energy to those little annuals who are always crying for attention.

Here it is tucked happily between the yellow annuals and the purple globe thistle
Autumn Joy on the left, struggling peony on the right

I'm no expert gardener so I may have missed something, but I've never seen bugs or blight on my Autumn Joy. It's a perfect low-maintenance plant.

During the summer the tops are broccoli green and in the fall they turn to an antique rosy-red and become a spectacular "autumn joy".

The beauty in the foreground and two small relatives hiding in the background

Highly recommended by me and available at most plant stores and nurseries.