I'm not really a cat person, in fact I usually try keep a little distance between cats and myself. But when I'm visiting Luke, Michelle and Maeve in Vancouver, I can't help watching their long-legged feline with the big ears, stretched out elegantly on the couch, or without warning, getting up and tearing into another room.

This Azzy is an unusual, mysterious creature and very photogenic. He can be really long or completely circular. His green eyes are striking.

I decided an interview would be appropriate to introduce him to you. Michelle knows his language and agreed to be the translator. Here's what I asked Azzy:
What do you do most days?
Azzy: I wake my humans up by purring and head-butting them, which reminds them I'm the most important creature in the house. I meow till I get my breakfast, then get down to business lounging around. I nap in my tower, in my tent, on the bed, on the couch, or on a sunny patch of carpet. I sometimes sit in the front window majestically so that people walking by can admire me. It's a busy schedule.
What is your ethnic heritage and your background?
Azzy: I'm a Savannah, which means I'm descended from a wild African serval and a Siamese cat. I was bred in Ontario but my first family surrendered me for adoption because I was too high-maintenance. Can you believe it?? Michelle's sister Alex arranged an adoption and I went to live with my Vancouver family which was a stroke of luck for me.
Can you tell us a bit about your family?
Azzy: I'm very attached to the adults I live with and follow them around like a dog. If they're in the tub, I'm next to the tub. If they're in bed, I'm under the covers. They find this annoying or sweet, depending on their mood. I don't like being separated from them, but I don't like going outside either, it's quite a dilemma.
A little girl showed up at our house awhile ago. She smells nice but I'm usually too busy to interact with children. Besides she's a bit noisy and her movements are unpredictable so I don't normally seek her out.

What do you like to eat?
Azzy: My diet is 100% cat food, although I sometimes nibble on a houseplant, spider plants are the best. Occasionally I'll eat a bug.

Do you have any special talents?
Azzy: I can jump really high. And I'm very good at reaching things, as you can see in the picture above.
What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
Azzy: I hope that things stay the same forever and that my humans are always at home and I can sit on their laps whenever I want. I hope my napping spots stay where they are. I hate change! Any disruption to my routine offends my soul!

Thanks for the interview Azzy. I appreciate your time.
Photo Credits: Michelle C. and Luke C.
Cat Translation: Michelle C.