We've done lots of bike tours over the years and although Dave has often carried a tent and gear on solo trips, the rest of us have stayed with routes that include the comforts of a hotel. Well this time we decided we're up to roughing it. One night can't be that bad.

First there was the Oyster Bar picnic tour, now a fully-loaded camping trip is planned to the rodeo grounds adjacent to the village of Success. No support vehicles needed for this independent excursion. Dave did reconnaissance the week before: the outhouses would be open, the water faucet at the school was functioning and available for our use, the mayor granted permission for overnight camping for two tents, four individuals. Departure date: September 14, 2020

We looked ready for a cross-Canada trek, paniers stuffed with stoves, pots, cutlery, pasta, eggs, coffee and sausages, wine and beer. Tents, sleeping bags, self-inflatable mattresses and repair kits piled on the bike racks with bungee cords, neon jackets for safety.

Travelling conditions were perfect: no traffic, no hills, a light tailwind and creamy smooth shoulders, what else could we ask for? Such an enjoyable few hours sailing down the road! I've always thought biking on days like this is the most efficient and pleasant travel imaginable.

Coyotes at night, a smokey sun in the morning and breakfast with our friends! It was a fine mini prairie vacation with no cost, no bookings, no airports and no tourists in sight.

Since fancy international tourism isn't happening this year, we find our adventure wherever we can. This trip will certainly be remembered as an overnight Success!