Am I proud?!! My daughter-in-law's name is on the cover of Canada's longest running news magazine!!

Maclean's was a fixture in our home throughout my childhood. The magazines piled up on our living room coffee table as a new issue arrived every week. My dad had no interest in fiction but he read this magazine cover to cover. I also read many of the articles during my teenage years when I was too shy and bookish to spend my time hanging out with boys.
I continued receiving Maclean's for many years after I discovered dating and eventually had my own household and children.
And now in 2022 the most recent issue includes a very interesting article by my Vancouver daughter-in-law. Well-researched, well-written, timely and even personal. It's an in-depth eight page investigation, no fluffy reading here. Maclean's legal department and fact-checkers spent considerable time examining and scrutinizing the details.

If you want to know more about "Pretendians" who have found their way into university faculties you can read the story at maclean' The Curious Case of Gina Adams: A "Pretendian" investigation. Or find it on newsstands across Canada.
Congratulations to the writer in our family for this accomplishment! My dad would also have been proud of you Michelle.
PS This Caboose is rolling all the way to Turkey next week. The next dispatch will come to you from Istanbul if I can take time off from seeing the sights of the city once known as Constantinople.