Saturday Morning
Morning walks are the best and always interesting. The air is cool and the streets are quiet. All these pictures are from last Saturday, heading north into Xochimilco and La Cascada neighbourhoods.
This city is full of Catholic churches and finding a wedding is my specialty.

I love the gentle mountains/hills in the distance where we occasionally hike. The dam, north of the tourist centre of the city, spans a channel that I've only ever seen perfectly dry.

There's always new murals, Colibris - hummingbirds - are the theme today.

Need ideas for a rustic patio? Pallet walls and plants and plumbing on a sewing machine, peeling plaster and aged tiles, my kind of thrifty charm at a cute new cafe called Rupestre.

Breakfast was a tastey treat and only $13 CDN for two, including great coffee and a sliced apple fan.

Stopping at an antique store to blow a kiss to our nietos at home, this is for Maeve, Winnie and Sam.

Saturday Afternoon
We took a shortcut through the pretty courtyard at Ex Covento San Pablo on our way to Martha's house. She'll drive us to Tlalixtac for dinner with our Mexican friends.

I met these people eleven years ago and we've had dinners and birthday parties with them over the years. It's an intense Mexican experience following various conversations in Spanish bouncing around the table, but they are lovely, generous and good-humoured hosts. It's truly an honour to be invited into their home.

Dave is a good sport and his fluency improves as Chemita continues to top up his mezcal.
Buenas Noches!