This bouquet is what I think my kids would call a nice hack.
The fabric beauties that I bought at our local Pharmasave today were a bargain at $20. They look especially lovely and natural mixed with a few stems of real greenery left over from a Christmas bouquet. When the leaves and needles dry up I’ll replace them with fresh green branches from the flower shop. A bouquet that will last forever!
And speaking of peonies, I once read a memorable description of peony bushes. The flowers are the gorgeous young things that make their entrance to the party in the most beautiful dresses. They steal the show until late in the evening after the rain. Then they’re a drunken mess, flopped over and sprawled out on the couch. Anyone who has grown peonies will know what I’m talking about.
My friend Deb A. told me she once grew them, but picking up the pieces after the hangover really got to her, so she ended the relationship.