Warm wishes to you from my cozy Caboose where I'm looking out the window at a frigid white landscape and a bright blue sky. It was minus 36 degrees yesterday morning when I ran outside to take this picture of our house. Now I'm happy with coffee, ginger cookies, a computer and listening to my crackling little pot-bellied stove. Well there's no stove but the idea is there and that's my reality for the moment at Tea in a Caboose.

Photos of our three joyful, thriving and entertaining grandchildren are today's special presentation. I promise I'll limit the number of pictures from this Grandma's album.
Sam is 4 years old and loves animals, especially fish. And bats which he can portray in costume, both flying and sleeping. I think he may be a scientist or an actor/comedian some day.

Maeve is our 2 1/2 year old architectural engineer who has designed countless elegantly balanced towers and castles. This happy toddler with her father's dimples also sings a precise alphabet song in a very sweet little voice. She's explored a surprising number of the parks and playgrounds all over Vancouver.

Winnie is a determined and talkative 2 1/4 year old. She pushed her suitcase with her bunny riding on top all through the Calgary airport last month. An affectionate little girl who is born to roam, her Aunt Isabelle says.

My mom Marie is 100 years older than our oldest grandchild which makes her 104 on January 8, 2022. She's well-known for being naturally positive and content with her life and doesn't seem to have the aches and pains that far younger people deal with. Eating a hundred previous Christmas dinners hasn't lessened her enjoyment of the turkey and turnips and cranberry sauce she had this year.

My Mom survived the last pandemic in 1918 and doesn't seem fazed by the present one.
I'm not as patient as she is. My wish for 2022 is... Will the C word please soon become just another low-level illness along the lines of the flu, rather than a never-ending, all-consuming news emergency; and will the risk ease up and stop dominating our lives. We're all waiting.
In the meantime, may you have love and peace in your heart and find pleasure in your days.
Happy New Year 2022 to you all from these three generations. And thank you for reading my Caboose posts. There have been 80 so far. I had no idea I had the endurance and attention span to keep my project rolling this long. I expect they will keep coming.
Cheers to you!
with Dave and Marie, and the kiddies and their parents