Islay Jean says the structure in our backyard was originally a slant-roofed shelter for her mom’s Morris Minor convertible. When we bought the house in 1998 it had evolved into a storage shed for firewood, bikes, lawn mowers and gardening tools. Over time it became a slightly tidier garden shed with a small space for a few chairs.
And it continued evolving.

Before Dave realized what was happening it was filling up with garage-sale treasures: a tiny beige vinyl settee with matching chair and footstool, a chandelier from a yard sale in Val Marie, and more than enough tins and bird ornaments. A bigger door was added and a window to let in the daylight (it's great to have a handyman in the household). I dragged in an old Persian carpet and had a full-fledged playhouse or garden parlour or She Shed ready for tea with friends or a quiet afternoon read.

Angeline’s old pantry cupboard holds the toys and play tea-sets, ready for children who come for a visit and sometimes stay for lunch.

I loved this mosaic window box, but even though I brushed on layers of clear coating, it wasn't enough for lasting protection. After a few summers outdoors, pieces of broken china were falling off and I gave up trying to repair it.
The Co-op Implements box from Jimmy was a good replacement and wax begonias are reliable little things in this shady spot.