Several friends have asked me about the Subscribe button on my site In our day a subscription meant paying money for the pleasure of having Macleans or Chatty-laine show up in the mail every week or every month.
So do people actually have to pay to read my stories??
No! Of course not. This subscription is free and means only that my new posts will fly automatically to your email to read, skim or delete, as you see fit. If your inbox gets uncomfortably full or if the caboose isn't your cup of tea, you're free to stop the train and easily unsubscribe.
As I wrote in my very first post back in January 2021, this blog started as a project to distract me from Covid and is mainly for my own entertainment, like an online journal. And it's done the job. I've documented my interests, revisited travels, tried my hand at writing, and sometimes stayed up late at night scrolling through photos to patchwork into a story.
Artists generally like to show their work so the blog has become a platform to share paintings and drawings I've made over the years.
(Speaking of that, I came across this photo I took in 2012 at a sidewalk cafe in Paris. The woman's camel coat and brown hair looked a little drab. My version brightened up her clothing, if not her expression. A box of colourful pastels is irresistible and offers such freedom to alter a subject however you want!)

It looks like Covid isn't going away anytime soon so I may stick with this caboose project for awhile. Even after completing 70 stories, I've barely made a dent in my stash of photos (22,000 on the computer, how did that happen?). The pictures spark ideas and then I work at some kind of organizing and writing. It's a mixed-media outlet for me that I've enjoyed.
Thank you to friends and family and an assortment of other readers for your encouraging comments. They add fuel to make the tea and pull the caboose.
New subscribers are welcome! My technical advisor has assured me your email address will never be shared and will not be used for any purpose other than receiving my select packages of words and pictures about travel, art, home and miscellaneous personal impressions never to be found elsewhere.
Happy sunny autumn and Happy Thanksgiving!