This nephew of mine is amazing. Just have a good look at these captivating horses with their Picasso-esque perspective and charming style.
Drawing is as natural to Lars as breathing.
Here's another page in my Department of Exploring Little Known Treasures of Saskatchewan. Our trusty camper van, Vanna White, took us here last summer, 2020.
Who knew that
And encouragement to try it yourself.
The 4" box of watercolours that I bought in 1996 and keep refilling, is second only to my husband in importance as a
For all the annoyance we feel about technology, and all the legitimate complaints about Facebook and Twitter, what would we do without FaceTime?!
It's been our link to
I'm not sure when or why I started collecting weddings of strangers in foreign countries, but judging from all the white dresses in my photo collection I'
Can a love of poultry be transmitted through our DNA?
My dad loved things that have wings, in particular 4-seater aircraft, Canada geese, swans and peacocks. He also loved chickens.