I'm thinking about spring and flowers, and some favourite photos I've taken in the backyard over the years...
There are many reasons why I'm glad I don't live in California, but one is the lack of seasons there. Exotic flowers and cactus and watering lawns twelve months of the year. No thanks, not for me! I vote for seasons.
In April I start to think about trips to the greenhouse. In May I'm doling out fresh compost to my favourite plants. I haul out the flowerpots, line up the aluminum teapots on the retaining wall, and tidy up the She Shed.
For just a few short days in June, the neighbour's overhanging pear tree is covered with a wedding's worth of scented blossoms.

The ferns grow like crazy and although they look tender and edible in the spring, we haven't yet stir-fried the curly tips.

This sheltered little space earns its keep all summer providing a venue for ferns and flowers, a washtub fountain, dinners for family and friends, and occasionally live music.

By August my enthusiasm slows down and keeping the flowers watered and the brickwork swept becomes a chore. In recent years I've decided less is more when it comes to flower pots and annuals. So my garden isn't as full of colour as it used to be, but I don't have to listen to plants crying for water.
By September I'm happy to let things look after themselves. The autumn leaves on the ground are so lovely I put the brakes on Dave and his broom and ask him to wait a few more days before he cleans up.

The neighbour's ornamental pear tree that hangs over the fence has delicate white blossoms in spring and gorgeous coloured leaves in the fall. But in September comes the dreaded pear drop, some years it's so dangerous I've been known to wear a motorcycle helmet to pick them up. The pears can be rock hard or mushy soft, either way they're a mess. We warn guests sitting at the table they run the risk of getting im-pear-ed.

By wintertime the courtyard is beautiful and white and maintenance free.

California can have its year-around warm weather. I love the transformations that come with our seasons!