I'm just back from 17 days in Turkey with an iPad full of photos, so here goes.

I saw women in head-to-toe black burkas, a few with eye make-up and false eyelashes peeking out above their face covering as their husbands hovered nearby. But the fashions I enjoyed most were the in-between combos of east and west, modest but with a sense of personal style. Just exotic enough to remind me I was in a Muslim country.
Like these young women at the Book Market beside the famous Grand Bazaar in Istanbul.

One local guy I spoke with said 75% of Turks are liberal or progressive Muslims and 25% are fundamentalist.

It's a secular country where east meets west, Europe meets Asia, Christianity meets Islam, tradition meets modernity. Fascinating! And I loved it.
This Caboose is my personal/public journal and I'm looking forward to documenting my impressions and sharing my pictures. Some fun adventures like hiking through rushing water in the gorgeous Saklikent Gorge. Much harder in long dresses.

Here's more street style that caught my eye in the ultra-international ancient/modern city of Istanbul. Muslim and fashionable.

And beachwear at the Blue Lagoon near Ölüdeniz.

Three imposters at my favourite mosque the Aya Sophia. With travel companions Edie and Linda.

Hmm a thought-provoking patch.

For obvious reasons I take most pictures from the back. I'm quite sneaky and try to be unobtrusive.

Thanks for reading my first Turkey post!